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Youth Ministry | Small Groups | Christ Chapel Cares | Grief Share |
All leaders, teachers, and ministry helpers serving with children and youth at Christ Chapel have been attending at least 6 months and are background checked, and SafePlace trained.
Nursery service is offered throughout the Sunday service. The mission of our nursery program is to show Christ’s love and care to the youngest at Christ Chapel
Children 3 years old through 6th grade will be dismissed during the service (usually after announcements) for Children’s Ministries.
Children 3 years old through 2nd grade go upstairs to the Children’s Church program. We have high-quality Bible teaching as well as time for the children to fellowship and develop intentional relationships with each other and their teachers. We are excited to create unity and intentional relationships with the children in the children’s programs.
Roots (Junior Church) program for 3rd through 6th graders during the service (across from the nursery). This program goes deeper in the big story of the Bible and God’s loving plan to create the new heavens and the new earth through his Son Jesus Christ. Kids also play games and have snack and fellowship with leaders and kids in the youth programs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
In Christ,
Beth Flanagan
Children’s Ministry Director, Christ Chapel C&MA, Madison, CT
MISSION OF the CHILDREN’S ministries at Christ Chapel:
Educate children about who God is and how much he deeply loves them.
Teach children about who they are in Christ and bring children to Christ through the gospel message of salvation and living as Christ-followers.
For children to develop intentional relationships with other children and children’s ministry teachers through play, fellowship, food, and small group discussions.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH And Roots/junior church programs:
last 20-25 minutes during message (second half) of service
have teacher-led Bible-teaching and child-directed time
Small group time: Bible story and discussion, Prayer time, Alms offering, Songs
Child-directed time (play, fellowship, games) and snack
Everyone needs to register for the 2024-25 year as this includes consent to participate in the children’s ministry. Register here or we will register you before you start on Sunday.
We hope to worship God with you at Christ Chapel!
Nursery service is offered throughout the service. The mission of the nursery program is to show Christ’s love and care to the youngest at Christ Chapel
We look forward to getting to know you and worshiping God with you at Christ Chapel!
Here are three ways we do this:
It is our goal at Christ Chapel to creatively reinforce and come alongside parents in their biblical mandate to spiritually raise their children.
Youth are an integral part of the church today. We provide ways for our teens to be full participants in the life of the church here at Christ Chapel.
We provide a consistent, fun, and safe place for teens to gather for worship, teaching, service, peer leadership, and community.
Our youth ministry is a Jesus-Centered environment intentionally designed to reach every kind of student – the student who has grown up in church and the first-time visitor. Our motto is “Belong, Believe, Become”. Our youth program creates an environment that helps students belong even before they believe. These values are foundational in achieving our ministry objectives. We believe a fun environment strengthens the relational connections between leaders and students. Reggie Joiner writes “Fun over time convinces your students you actually like them, and deepens and strengthens your relationship with them.”
We believe creating space for young people to connect in a consistent and safe environment is vital. We do this through fun and interactive games, food, and down time. This looks different for middle school and high school.
“When grace and understanding abound, the church becomes the primary community where everyone can belong.”*
We create an environment where students learn and grow by listening, asking questions, and respectfully sharing their ideas. We believe in engaging both mind and heart with the Truth of God’s Word. The whole Biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is integrated into the scope and sequence of our curriculums. This is done in both small and large group settings, setting the table for transformation.
“The church is a community in which you can come as you are, and experience freedom from sin and whole-life transformation.”*
Our youth ministry environment is a place where we foster generosity on many levels. We want our leaders to be generous in caring for our students, and our students to be generous with others. Living generously is living beyond ourselves in service and sacrifice.
“When we create space for using our gifts, whole- life transformation accelerates and the mission of Jesus moves forward.”*
Tuesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Middle Schoolers, get ready! Morph is a fun, high energy, interactive safe place where young teens can come and belong, learning more about personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Tuesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Students who are looking to explore a faith in Jesus and for Christian teens who want to grow and mature in their faith. Epic is a great time to invite friends. You can expect it to be fun, meaningful, interactive and challenging.
Contact John and Tara Tuttle with questions at
Sundays at 4:30pm - Alternating between Beth Flanagan’s home and Chris and Sarah Unseth’s home
Contact: Chris Unseth -
Thursdays 6-8pm- Thom and Rebeka Knowlton’s Home
Contact: Thom Knowlton
Fridays 10-12noon - Christ Chapel
Contact: Sue Granniss -
Fridays 10 am - Christ Chapel
Contact: John LaDone -
Fridays 6 pm - Eric Frey’s Home
Contact: Eric Frey -
CONTACT the Church office for additional information about any of the small groups
James 2:15-16 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? (ESV)
Christ Chapel Cares exists to facilitate acts of compassion and care for members of Christ Chapel, coming alongside those in need with compassion. We use Benevolence funds to bless those with temporary financial need, without discrimination or judgment. We aid or facilitate help for those challenged by small repairs around the home, or with small vehicle repairs. We provide meal assistance for those dealing with stressful but temporary family situations such as birth, death, moving, or sickness in the family.
Your request will be kept confidential among the Deacons. If you need prayer, please contact the prayer team at
GriefShare is a faith-based bereavement support group offering biblically sound help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. Each week’s format includes supportive discussion about the weekly video content, and a workbook with journaling and suggestions for personal study to reinforce weekly session topics. The program is offered in more than 20,000 churches of every denomination in every English-speaking country throughout the world.
If you have recently experienced the death of a loved one, or even if your loss took place some time ago but you are now realizing that you could use support as you process it, you are welcome to try GriefShare. GriefShare offers the encouragement of interpersonal support and the strengthening of practical, biblically sound tools as you travel on your path toward healing. Past participants have shared that they have no idea where they would be in their grieving process if they had not had the support, tools and encouragement of GriefShare.
GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse
The Spring cycle of GriefShare will begin with the GriefShare: Loss of a Spouse program on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at noon in the Christ Chapel Café.
13-week GriefShare Program
Beginning Sunday, February 23, the Spring 2025 13 week session meets on Sunday, 12-2 p.m., in the Christ Chapel Café. We check in with each other for the first 15 minutes, then open with a devotion, Scripture, and prayer. We review journaling completed during the week; and conduct our weekly Object Lesson. Then we watch the 40-minute video session together as a group, discuss what stood out the most to each of us in the video, and look ahead to journaling prompts for the coming week.
Once participants register for either program with our group on the website, they may order the applicable workbook directly from GriefShare. For more information, contact Christ Chapel’s GriefShare Ministry Coordinator Sue Granniss (860) 913-1654
We look forward to meeting with you, praying with you, and supporting you on your journey from mourning to joy.