Christ Chapel supports local, regional and foreign missions
As part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance (CMA), Christ Chapel donates 10% of its income to the Great Commission Fund which underwrites the majority of the CMA ministries of more than 700 international workers.
Read about Christ Chapel’s missions projects and the C&MA Missions focus in the 2022 missions presentation
Get the latest news from our missionaries:
Local missions
ABC Women’s Center is a Christ centered ministry in Middletown and on a mission to bring hope, help and healing to men and women facing a pregnancy decision by presenting them with a full range of life affirming options and support.
The Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries is an interfaith service that provides food and fellowship to those in need and educates our community on hunger and poverty.
For over 60 years, Adult & Teen Challenge USA has operated on a holistic model of drug and alcohol recovery. Their vision is to see all people freed from addiction through the power of Jesus Christ! A restored relationship with God can transform those who suffer from addiction into vibrant, free, and sober followers of the Lord.
They offer a chance to start over, become a new person, live a godly life, and find freedom through a restored purpose and an eternal hope. This is done through classes, individual study, personal mentoring, work ethic training, and involvement in the Christian community.
"Certainly we cannot claim a magical cure for addiction. The devil which hides in the needle, the pills and the powder is so deadly strong that any such claim would be foolish. All we can say is that we have found a power that captures a person more strongly than narcotics but He captures only to liberate".
-David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge
Robin’s nest
Robin’s Nest is a Medical-Model Adult Daycare, Respite, and Residence located in Clinton.
Robin Twigg, R.N., T.R.D. has more than 30 years of experience as an R.N. caring for the elderly, is a member of Christ Chapel and is the Robin of Robin’s Nest.
Christ Chapel has been helping by “adopting” Robin’s Nest residents. Sending cards or notes of encouragement, playing music, reading and other supportive activities.
Global Missions
missionaries we support
Christ Chapel supports international workers in NAfrica, including our monthly support to a family of four in Marketplace Ministries. The wife is a director of an international elementary school, the husband does digital marketing and wood export, and in their free time they are witnessing hundreds of new believers coming to faith and are finding success in home groups beings formed. Our support helps supplement their work so that they can continue to dedicate time to the multiplication of disciples and train leaders to grow His chch in NAfrica.
For about a decade, Children's Ministry has been sponsoring a child at Foundation For His Ministry. The children are currently sponsoring a 7 year old girl named Perla who lives in Mexico. For details please refer to the Children’s Ministry or
Annual opportunities
Operation Christmas Child is committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through shoeboxes full of gifts to children around the world. Local pastors and churches present the Gospel in a fun way designed for kids and along with the shoebox they receive The Greatest Gift, a colorful presentation of the Gospel in their own language.
Do you have a unique purpose? Can God use me? What if partnering with God wasn’t as hard as you thought?
Join with Christ Chapel Church Members who have stepped out where their passion, meaning, purpose, skills and the world’s need meets demonstrating that we can support or serve wherever we are lead both within or outside of our church community.